St. Karen’s Primary School

Sri Krishna Puri, Patna | Since 1965 | Pre Primary to Class 5 | Co-education


142/D, S.K. Puri, Patna, Bihar (INDIA) Pincode : 800001

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About School

St. Karen’s Primary School is a unit of St. Karen’s Nursery School. St. Karen’s Nursery School was founded in the year 1965 by renowned educationist Mr. D P Galstaun & his wife Mrs. L.B. Galstaun. The medium of instruction is English. Hindi, the National language is compulsory and taught daily in all the classes. The other subjects taught, besides English and Hindi are Mathematics, Science, Social Science, Art & Craft, Moral Education & Computer.

Established in
School Type

Our Vision at St. Karen’s is to instill in our students a strong sense of self-belief and confidence and empower them to positively contribute to society and become active and responsible citizens of the country.We strive to inculcate the basic human qualities such as respect, compassion, justice and integrity with a solid foundation of discipline and honesty that lead to a strong character.


Medium: English
Pre Primary to Class 5


Beyond Academics

  •   Transport Facilities

  •   Indoor Sports

  •   Outdoor Sports

  •   Computer Lab

  •   Dance & Music

  •   Library

Other Highlights

Games and sports, Social service, Language, Celebration of National Days, Children’s Day, School Day, Teacher’s Day, Drawing Competition, Essay Competitions, Debating, Computer Quiz competition, Elocution Contest, Science Talent Competition, and Song and Drama competition 

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