Social interaction in home schooling

Home Schooling
  • Nitika Manjari

    3 years ago
    A kid interacts with lots of peers, seniors and juniors in a school, and for a long duration (6-9 hours). It helps them in building important social skills. How to compensate that in home schooling?
  • Myschoolz

    3 years ago
    As told by mom of 7 years old home-school kid | In primary schools, most of the interactions happen during playtime. At this level, class learning is mostly teacher led, and hardly through group discussions or teamwork based. I don't think my son has missed peer interaction. What's more, he has more free time to play. He used to play for more than 4 hours in the evening. He has no problem in how to make friends and ho to interact in a social group.
  • Sumit Arora

    1 year ago
    While homeschooling can provide ample opportunities for socialization, it can sometimes be challenging to replicate the full spectrum of social interactions found in a traditional school setting. That is why enrolling your child in a reputable CBSE school could be a great option. CBSE schools offer a comprehensive curriculum and a supportive environment that encourages healthy social interactions among students. Additionally, CBSE schools have extracurricular activities, sports teams, and other clubs that enable students to interact with peers and develop social skills. With highly qualified and experienced teachers, CBSE schools can provide a holistic educational experience that prepares your child for a successful future.

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