Advantages & disadvantages of Home Schooling

Home Schooling
  • Nitika Manjari

    3 years ago
    Home schooling is still a concept in India, for a very few parents attempt and excel in it. It would really helpful if experienced parents share the advantages and disadvantages of home schooling.
  • Myschoolz

    3 years ago
    As told by mom of 7 years old home-school kid | Pros of homeschooling - 1. Learning Effectiveness and Time Saving: It requires very less time because you know what clicks. It is about creating methodology around how your child learns vs. a generalized methodology. So, you can be more efficient and learning be more effective. We spend around 1.5 hours daily for class type study. 2. Flexibility: It gives a great flexibility to what subjects you learn, what topic you learn, how you combine subjects or topics to learning, and flexibility of when to learn. For example, fraction can be learnt while cooking.
  • Myschoolz

    3 years ago
    As told by mom of 7 years old home-school kid | Cons of homeschooling - 1. Everyday Discipline: It requires a lot of discipline to ensure that we did work every day. Easiest to set and follow the study time. However, a lot of discipline required from parents’ side, for preparing the material, for planning what you are going to teach this year, this term. 2. Time Commitment: You can train the child for self-study and lots of work book and materials to do. Time commitment is required from parents, to research, read, process and select the materials for the study. This process take the major part of the parents of a home-schooled kid.
  • Sumit Arora

    1 year ago
    Homeschooling can be challenging for parents due to the need for discipline and time commitment involved in preparing materials and teaching.
  • My Schools Super Admin

    1 year ago
    test sadfsaf sad
  • William Copper

    3 months ago
    As a seasoned writer and a parent who has experienced homeschooling firsthand, I can share some insights... Advantages may include- 1. Personalized Learning: For instance, my daughter loves science, so we can spend more time on experiments and nature studies. 2. Flexible Schedule: Homeschooling allows us to set our own schedule. This means more family trips, spontaneous outings, and the ability to take breaks when needed. 3. Safe Environment: It eliminates worries about bullying or school-related stress. 4. Strong Family Bond: My daughter and I...we've had the chance to really get to know each other and grow closer. Disadvantages may include: 1. Social Interaction: One of the challenges we've faced is ensuring our kids get enough social interaction. 2. Time-Consuming: Homeschooling is a big time commitment. As a parent, you need to plan lessons, teach, and manage household duties. It can be exhausting but rewarding. 3. Resource Limitations: While we do our best, there are times when we lack certain resources. Overall, homeschooling has been a rewarding journey for us, but it's important to weigh both the pros and cons to see if it fits your family's needs and lifestyle.

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