excessive fees collected by schools

General Discussion
  • Ritvika

    3 years ago
    Aren't schools charging exuberant fee? Education is valuable, but still fee should be reasonable. It should be based on cost occurred by school in managing and running it, not by marker prevalent rate. School fee cant be compared with other business models like housing or retail contracts. Is there we parents can do anything about it?
  • Sumit Arora

    1 year ago
    I completely understand your concerns about the cost of education and how it should be reasonable based on the actual expenses incurred by the school. It's true that education is valuable, and parents should not have to bear exorbitant fees to provide their children with a quality education. However, I would like to point out that there are some schools, such as CBSE schools in Miraj, that offer a great education at a reasonable price, you can check out their website here - https://cambridgeinternational.gpmtedu.in/ CBSE schools have a reputation for providing excellent education, with a focus on holistic development of students. They offer a range of extracurricular activities, a strong academic curriculum, and a supportive learning environment, all at a reasonable cost. So, in conclusion, while it's true that some schools charge exorbitant fees, there are other options available offer excellent education at a reasonable price. As parents, we should always be looking for the best education for our children and some schools can certainly provide that.

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