Do you want a prestigious, internationally recognized Spanish language certification for your child? Then, think DELE Escolar!

Is your child learning Spanish? Well done! Spanish is a very advantageous asset for your child's future. As a parent, you objectively want to check your child's progress what better way than to have international certifications.

The best way to validate proficiency in foreign languages is to have official certifications awarded by foreign languages official bodies affiliated with their respective governments. Spanish is no exception!

So, what is precisely the DELE Escolar?

The DELE Escolar is an official qualification that certifies the degree of competence and mastery of the Spanish language of your child. This exam is recognized worldwide since the Instituto Cervantes conducts it on behalf of the Ministry of Education of Spain. DELE Escolar exams are conducted several times a year all around the world. One can take the exam in the local Instituto Cervantes or any Spanish school member in the network of Cervantes accredited Spanish Schools in almost every corner of the globe from America to the Middle East and Asia.

Why is DELE Escolar worth it?

In general, the number of students taking the DELE Escolar and all DELE certifications is multiplying rapidly. In 2019, there were more than 118,000 candidates worldwide, and there was an increase of 24% in the number of candidates taking the DELE Escolar exam in China. By obtaining the DELE Escolar, young learners can certify their Spanish knowledge at a globally-recognized scale. The DELE, like certifications such as Cambridge First Certificate or DELF, is valid among European education bodies and institutions. In addition to its increasing popularity, one of the advantages of DELE is that it is valid for life and never expires. Once a student reaches B1 level, the DELE certificate is also a key element to be admitted among Spanish Universities and obtain a student visa in Spain. Beyond academic purposes, DELE certifications are also beneficial when applying for jobs in private or public institutions in Europe, Brazil and North America.

How difficult is DELE Escolar?

Like other official exams, such as the DELF in French, DELE escolar has different levels, and your children should start with DELE Escolar A1. The exam comprises four parts: Writing/ Reading/ Listening/ Speaking. The exam is not particularly difficult, but your child needs to demonstrate basic knowledge of Spanish in daily and basic situations. For example, young learners must know how to order a simple meal out of the menu or write a short letter of about 100 words to their siblings about their trip to Spain. In addition, of course, the examiners will check the basic grammar of the child (verb tense and forms, basic vocabulary, etc.) and give equal weightage to the practical aspect of the Spanish language: This means aural expression and listening are essential. In short, the DELE exams focus on non-theoretical and conversational Spanish. European Union bodies have commonly agreed that applied language knowledge is paramount and prioritized over purely theoretical knowledge.

Which are the keys to success for DELE Escolar?

The key is not how much Spanish the child knows; the key is the quality of his knowledge. Let's explain this! Of course, an 11-years-old child learning Spanish doesn't have to prove a high mastery of Spanish, at least not in the A1 level. However, the examiner expects the child to be at ease with the Spanish language and show no fear of comprehending and speaking even with limited knowledge and precision. The DELE exam aims to check that the young learner has the right basic approach and can express himself or understand essential information. To reiterate, DELE Escolar is not about learning Spanish grammar theoretically but using it in a natural context. The primary key is, therefore, the exposure to spoken Spanish. The child must accustom himself to listening and speaking Spanish. Fluidity and pronunciation are essential criteria to raise the final score.

Does the DELE Escolar need preparation?

The answer is yes and no. It depends on where and how your kid is learning Spanish. How is this? As mentioned before, DELE Escolar certification is based on practice and not only on theoretical knowledge, which is why some young learners fail despite a good mastery of grammar. Children must be exposed to the language with a certain constancy to master aural comprehension and oral expression. Children who join Spanish classes delivered in Spanish always have more chances to succeed because they are holistically acquainted with the language. If a child is only learning Spanish through grammar and translation, DELE Exam may well be a frustration.

Is passing DELE Escolar a good way to motivate your child to continue learning Spanish?

Yes! DELE Escolar helps boost children's Spanish and confidence, primarily if delivered with correct pedagogies. Children are competitive and certainly love going for rewards such as a certification. What is vital is that they learn the language with varied methods such as role-playing, games, cultural immersion and customized material in small groups.

Read: May the power of languages be with our children

For more info on DELE Escolar and availability in your country, reach out to us!
The article is published in collaboration with CLIC Centro de Lenguas e Intercambio Cultural. To know more about Spanish Programs for children, please visit Clic India Junior.

Spanish Language Schools in Spain located in Seville, Cadiz, and Malaga